Saturday, January 29, 2011

"Life is Sweet" Quilling Blog Hop

Hello to everyone who drops in,
Such an enjoyable blog hop. Sorry to mess things up with my timing.
I have posted a card, with a quilled strawberry cupcake in a paper lace wrapper, pictured on it. I made the cake with a strawberry on top as currently we are picking strawberries from our garden.
With little or no effort the plants have produced quite a good crop. Having a wet summer has helped.
If you would like to win this card please leave a comment. I will draw a winner on Friday Australian time.
Make sure you visit all the other participants in the blog hop
Have fun!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Summer break

For those of us in Australia, January is a long holiday time especially for school children.

Having not done any quilling since my Christmas cards, I am going to participate in a blog hop.
This has inspired me to get my quilling underway for the New Year.
Come and see what sweet minded quillers are up to.
Come and do a blog hop on Saturday 29th January New York time which will be Sunday 30th here in Australia

Blog Hop

Origami Paper

I have used origami paper to cover some pencils and a pencil box. The paper was found at the op-shop and so pretty